Annual Leave; an employee is entitled to a seven day holiday with full pay in respect of each four months of continuous service. Unless otherwise provided in the employment contract, an employee is entitled to annual leave of 21 working days in a year.
Sick Leave; an employee who is sick is entitled to sick pay if he has been in employment for more than one month. Should the sickness persist beyond, two months, the provisions of the law will have to apply. If at the expiration of the second month, the sickness continues, the employer is entitled to terminate the contract of service upon the performance of all stipulations mentioned in the contract up to the day he declares the contract terminated.
Maternity Leave; a pregnant female employee is entitled to maternity leave for sixty working days before and after delivery. Out of the said sixty days, at least four weeks should follow childbirth or miscarriage whichever the case. Where a woman is absent from her work as a result of maternity leave or remains absent for a longer period as a result of illness arising out of childbirth or sickness of the baby certified by a medical practitioner, the right to return to work shall be extended up to eight weeks from the date of childbirth.
Paternity Leave; The Employment Act gives a male employee four days of paternity leave following his wife’s delivery or miscarriage. This was a completely new introduction in the Employment Act of 2006. However, the law is unclear on whether the male employee is entitled to the paternity leave where the male employee is a polygamist with many wives and/or mistresses.
Working on public holidays in Uganda; an employee is entitled to a day’s holiday on every public holiday. Where such an employee works for his employer on a public holiday, he is to be paid an extra day for that day or he gets a holiday on another working day with full pay