Supreme Court Holds Employer Liable for New Employee Contract Repudiation

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Supreme Court Holds Employer Liable for New Employee Contract Repudiation


In the landmark case of Surgipharm Uganda vs. Anatoli Batabane, Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 11 of 2020, the Supreme Court delivered a significant judgement that sheds light on the legal consequences that unfold when an employer repudiates a contract of employment before its performance commences. This pivotal decision not only establishes the liability of an employer for damages resulting from a breach of contract but also outlines the conditions under which such a repudiation can trigger claims for compensation by the aggrieved party. This article delves into the details of the case and the court’s decision, unraveling the nuances of repudiation within the framework of employment contracts. It also delves into the court’s discerning assessment of damages and the reasoning underpinning its decisive judgment.

The Case

Surgipharm Uganda vs. Anatoli Batabane, Supreme Court Civil Appeal No. 11 of 2020, revolves around an employment contract executed on 15th February, 2008.  Within the contract, the commencement of employment was stipulated for 25th March, 2008. However, on 23rd February, 2008 the employer sent an email to the prospective employee expressing frustration over their inability to reach him by phone for induction purposes. The employer also went so far as to threaten contract cancellation if the communication deadlock persisted. Tragically, the contract was indeed canceled on 25th February, 2008, a mere two days after the ominous email was sent. The employee, who was unaware of the contract termination, only discovered the breach on 15th March, 2008 upon reporting to the company premises for induction, having returned from a trip.

The Legal Analysis

The crux of the court’s analysis hinged on the notion that when a potential employer repudiates a contract, it endows the prospective employee with the right to seek compensation in the form of damages. Repudiation, in this context, is defined as when one party intimates by words or conduct that they do not intend to honor their contractual obligations when they fall due in the future. It is firmly established that the general remedy for a breach of contract is the awarding of damages. Nonetheless, for such damages, arising from repudiation, to be granted, the claimant must substantiate that they endured tangible harm due to the breach. In the Surgipharm case, the employee was able to convincingly demonstrate the adverse consequences he endured as a direct result of the employer’s actions.

The Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, affirmed the Court of Appeal’s judgment to award general damages. The employee proffered compelling evidence of the damages he had suffered, which encompassed his resignation from his previous job, where he was earning approximately Ugx. 5.8 million. Notably, the value of the contract with the new employer was Ugx. 6.5 million. Moreover, he grappled with a protracted three-year period of unemployment following the contract’s repudiation. These circumstances underscored the substantial impact of the breach on the employee’s life, rendering the award of general damages a justifiable and fair course of action.

A point of particular interest in the court’s judgment was its ability to distinguish the Surgipharm case from the precedent set in Doreen Rugundu v International Law Institute, SCCA 08 of 2005. In the earlier case, Doreen Rugundu was offered a job placement with similar induction requirements. However, before she could commence her service, the employer repudiated the contract. Consequently, she claimed damages, salaries, and benefits under the contract. In this instance, the Supreme Court held that Doreen Rugundu, having not initiated her employment under the contract, was not entitled to any benefits and had not rendered any services for which remuneration would be payable.

The distinction between these two cases, as elucidated by the Supreme Court, lies in the fact that Anatoli Batabane’s claim for damages, unlike Doreen Rugundu’s, emanated from the Appellant Company’s inducement for him to resign from his previous employment, where he was gainfully employed, to take up the new job. His claim did not emanate from the repudiated employment contract. The Supreme Court underscored the importance of assessing the unique circumstances of each legal dispute with due diligence.

While determining the quantum of general damages to award, the Court highlighted that this decision lies to the discretion of the Court, which Court is guided by the value of the contract at the time of its intended performance. The Supreme Court, therefore, found the Court of Appeal’s award of general damages to be entirely reasonable.

Furthermore, the court concurred with the award of special damages, which, in this context, alluded to the loss of earnings from the employee’s former job. While assessing the quantum of special damages, the Court of Appeal had made a crucial decision to discount the earnings by 50%, a decision founded on the understanding that he would receive the sum in a lump sum.

Additionally, the court deliberated on the interest rate awarded for the special damages. The Court of Appeal had initially set the interest rate at 14%. However, the Supreme Court determined that this rate should be reduced to 6%. This reduction was warranted on the basis that the Court of Appeal had not provided adequate reasoning for its initial decision and had not sufficiently supported its discretion. The Court of Appeal’s omission to clarify the basis for the 14% interest rate left an opening for the Supreme Court to intervene and bring about a more equitable resolution.


The Supreme Court’s ruling in the Surgipharm Uganda vs. Anatoli Batabane case serves to illuminate the intricate legal repercussions that arise when an employer repudiates an employment contract before its performance commences. Such repudiation opens the door for an employer to be held liable for damages, provided that the aggrieved party can demonstrate the harm suffered. The court’s decision to uphold general and special damages, while also reducing the interest rate for the latter, demonstrates the importance of clear and reasoned decisions in legal proceedings. This case serves as a testament to the intricacies of contract law and the necessity of thorough examination when adjudicating disputes involving employment agreements.

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